Personal Training Professionals


Our Facilty

At Personal Training Professionals, you'll work on your individual training program in a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility, equipped with cutting-edge equipment. Our high energy, positive atmosphere, motivational posters, energetic décor, and upbeat music combine to help bring out your very best!

We'll work with you to find the right balance in your workout program to meet the goals you set for yourself. By designing a comprehensive program that includes body composition testing, nutritional assessment, weight resistance training, and cardiovascular workouts, we can help you become a happier, healthier you.

Free Weights

The advantage of free weights lies in the freedom of movement and range of motion, which requires the use of more muscle control. Because it is necessary to balance your body while using free weights, it allows many different muscles to be working, furthering the benefits of the movement.

Weight Machines

Many people start with weight machines because they can get a more controlled workout. The machine is designed for proper body positioning, requiring less effort to keep balance and more effort directed toward the chosen muscle group.

PTP uses Cybex weight machines, which are designed and engineered to reflect the natural movement of the human body. Cybex products and programs allow for variation in training and assisting each user from professional athletes to rehabilitation patients.

Cardiovascular Workouts

Any well-rounded fitness program will contain a good amount of cardiovascular training. In addition to strengthening your heart and lungs, an aerobic exercise will accomplish the following:

  • Help control body fat
  • Increase resistance to fatigue
  • Decrease tension and aid in sleeping
  • Increase general stamina
  • Improve mood and reduce depression and anxiety

Bioanalogics Nutrition and Health Management System

Interested in losing weight? PTP uses one of the most accurate body composition tests available on the market to determine your degree of body fat. Once your body composition is assessed, we will design a fitness and nutrition program that will meet your goals, reduce your body fat and improve your health.